Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Meaning of Life Essay

We ask ourselves everyday if our life has meaning. We view our lives and others’ lives in different ways. I agree with life being viewed as a game, and life as learning is adding meaning to our life. I disagree with life having no meaning at all. Every human being views life differently and believes your life is influenced by different ideas and lessons. Life as a game creates a theory that we can’t just take our lives too seriously or else we won’t be happy and feel as if we have fulfilled our lives and/or our purpose on earth. In our textbook it says if you believe your life is a game, you must pick the type of game you wish to play in your life. You can play games that are purely for fun, for superiority, social, hurting your opponents, or to help others. If you pick to have your game of life to be played just for fun then this could possibly be the happiest way to play your game of life. When being able to play a game for fun it excludes the worry of being judged and having to conquer other opponents to become the â€Å"winner† in your game of life. Your opponents could be your friends, family, co-workers, peers, mentors throughout your life and this could make you a miserable person if they turn their backs on you, or fight against your game of life. If we pick to play our life in a game to hurt our opponents then do we decide who our opponent is? Our opponents could be people in our lives who we do not like. They could become our friends and family and if we disagree, then do they become an opponent to us because we don’t see eye to eye? There are so many different ways you could pick to play your game of life. And only you can pick your game, but others around us do influence our choice of what we choose for a game. We don’t want to pick a game to which we are setting ourselves up to become targeted as a â€Å"loser†. We all want to be the â€Å"winner†. I believe in our game of life we should be able to choose if we are going to be the â€Å"winner† in our game of life and who the â€Å"losers† will be. Or should everyone be a winner? Some games in particular could cause chaos in our lives. If we choose to play our life as a competitive game then this could end up giving us enemies, and then what is life really about when you have people against you. In a competitive game it is hard to see the ending outcome of the game, so it is always a gamble to what your life or even the next day might bring. When you don’t know what the next day will bring, does the rules in your game of life change? It is possible when playing a game, the rules will change and new ones can be created and taken away. As little kids playing games, when they don’t like a rule, or merely forget a rule, this changes the game. And these changes affect the outcome of your ending result. Unfortunately I think the rules of your game can change because you learn new things and new technology comes out every day. Life as learning is something we all are introduced to throughout our lives. But do we pay attention to the things life is trying to teach us? Our textbook refers to having a bad experience and turning it into a situation we can learn from. I think we take all situations we are put into and get some kind of lesson or moral meaning out of it. If you view life in different ways then it could change how you react to your life lessons and the idea you should get out of the story. I believe we should all try everything once if it is presented to us and it is morally right. If you can’t live your life to the fullest, then are you actually learning everything you can from your life? Do we encounter things in our life because we should learn from them? Is life supposed to have flaws so we can become a better person and make ourselves better prepared for the next time the problem arises? We can ask ourselves all theses questions and if we listen to the ending result and want to understand then we will take something out of the issue as a life learning situation. But can we shut the ideas and ending decisions out, and ignore the life lesson? I think that each and every event that happens in our life was presented to us to teach us a new life lesson and prepare us better for the next time if it comes up in our life again. These life lessons can hurt us but if life was perfect all the time, then when faced with a flaw in our life we wouldn’t know how to respond and cope with the problem. Some people in life can’t face their flaws of life and walk away or give up. People might do this because they can’t deal with the pain and suffering they believe they are being faced with. With the two philosophies above I do agree that our life is a game, and life is learning. We pick what we want to believe and understand. And in our life we play a game where we can pick the â€Å"winners† and â€Å"losers†. We believe that we make the ending decision in our life and pick what our life stories and experiences actually mean. When we are surprised with conflict and a sudden problem, we might not be able to control our life until we can understand what is going on. And if we take time to understand, then aren’t we still controlling our life? We could always walk away and ignore the new problem. The idea I disagree with the most is life has no meaning at all. Albert Camus said in his book The Myth of Sisyphus that â€Å"the absurd had become a widespread sensibility in our times. † He also relates life having no meaning at all to atheism. If there is no external meaning, then he believes there is no point in life. If life had no meaning then wouldn’t we careless about our future and live for that moment. If life has no meaning then would we be in school trying to receive a quality education? Albert Camus believes that most humans are frightened by the idea of living on earth with no purpose to life. And this allows humans to create a purpose to live. In our textbook it states a quote from his book, â€Å"The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of it own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor. † This to me means that when you are asked to conquer something that is impossible for you to accomplish, then it is the worse thing that would happen in your life. This makes you feel like you have failed at what god has asked you to do. I believe we all have a meaningful life. Each and every one of us affects someone in the world, either if it’s a positive way or sometimes in a negative way. We won’t always realize our affect on others unless it is pointed out to us. As we discussed in class, a drug addict might share his story, and affect children and teenagers and show them the life they lived and how they are now. I think as a teacher you add meaning to your life by teaching others about a variety of topics in life and history. The question does life have a meaning is worth answering. Each and every one of us has our own opinion of life and if it has meaning. We truly can’t look up the definition in the dictionary and believe that is what life is. We need to look at our personal situations, as well as experiences to see how it molds our view of what life means. The definition of life from The American College Dictionary states â€Å"a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived as belonging to the soul. † This to me means that as long as we have a presence on earth they have life on earth. This definition isn’t the only one about life; we create our own meaning which is molded to our life. If life is just about existence, then life may have no meaning. We are here on earth to impact people in same way and form. If we are here just for existence then we aren’t living life. In reality I think life can be looked at in many different ways and there is not just one definition. Is their just one definition and would this change the way we live our lives? Would we be different people than who we are today? Life is a special thing, and we can view our life in different perspectives. As mentioned in my paper we can view life as a game, as learning, and life can have no meaning at all. I don’t agree with all the ways we can view our life, but each and every one of us can pick our own way to view life. For me I agree with the fact that life is a game. We pick if we want to play a game for fun, or to be the king of the world. The way we decide to play our life game determines who we are as a person and it helps affect the mood we are in. I also believe life as learning. In life we are given many different life lessons. And what we take from these life lessons is teaching us life. If we don’t take the time to learn, then our life isn’t complete. Or we at least aren’t living our life to the fullest. I disagree with the fact that our life has no meaning. We make our having meaning, and if we don’t put meaning in our life, then it will be meaningless. You might view your life as meaningless, and to others your life could be filled with meaning. Your view of your life can be different than the way others view your life. Life can have many different meanings and can affect our lives in different ways. In the end we choose what our life will be, and how we will live our life. No one else can choose how you should live your life. In the end it is your choice and your choice alone. We can be influenced by others, but they can’t make the final decisions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Certification In Education And Training Essay

Task 1 1, Explain what your main role & responsibilities are as a teacher/trainer in Education and Training (1.1) My role as a Teacher  As a teacher, one of my main roles is to motivate my learners, to develop their ability to learn also to develop my learner’s aspiration to learn. When you train to teach you read about delivering training and how to facilitating learning, but in reality you do much more than that, your role as a teacher is not just about teaching your subject or preparing learners for assessment. The focus of your role as a teacher I feel relates very much to inspiring your learners to change and develop their personal, social and professional skills to the best of their ability. My ultimate aim is to enable my learners to understand how to take responsibility for their own development. I would do this by planning and preparing teaching and learning activities that take account of the needs and well-being of individual learners as well as groups of learners. Some key aspects of my role as a teacher may be: Carrying out initial and/or diagnostic assessments. Clear communication with learners, other professionals. Promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others. Identifying and meeting individual learner’s needs. Being aware of the support available. Being organised. Being reflective, (which means learning from successes as well as mistakes). My responsibilities as a teacher?  As a teacher, my responsibility is to ensure that learners are enrolled onto the correct course that is suited for them and to make sure of meeting their needs and abilities, also i need to ensure that my learner is on the appropriate course in terms of meeting their award and organizational requirements. To do this you I will probably have to be responsible for the following: Promoting a safe and supportive learning environment. Promoting equality and diversity. Adhering to legislation and codes of practice. Modelling professional behaviour at all times to inspire my learners. Ensuring my own professional development.  Working with a team of professionals in order to improve the experience and achievement of my learners. Designing or contributing to a design of the course curriculum. Negotiating appropriate learning targets for groups and individuals and make sure their appropriate to their needs and aspirations as well as the course aims. Planning learning activities based on the needs of your group and specific individual needs within the group. Amending or designing learning resources that are varied or appropriate to the award aims, to intellectually challenge my learners. Keeping accurate records to contribute to your organisations quality improvement strategy. This will include keeping accurate records of recruitment, retention, achievement and progression of your group, as well as evaluation of how these can be improved; Keeping accurate records of individual learners’ progress and future needs. (This is often recorded in the form of an individual learning plan). Providing learners with appropriate points of referral as required. (Word count 467) 2, Explain how your role involves working with other professionals and what the boundaries are between your teaching role and other professional roles. (3.1, 3.2) â€Å"Professionalism requires us to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues† (Francis and Gould, 2009). This can be achieved by setting professional and personal boundaries which will enable us to be clear about what our limits are and what our professional role involves. It is our responsibility to identify areas outside of the professional boundaries of a teacher, either because of lack of necessary skills or expertise or because it is inappropriate for the teacher to deal with it. This is when external support from other professionals will be required and it is important to identify the appropriate colleague to which to refer the matter. For example a student who is having financial problems should be referred to the appropriate colleague within the institution. With personal matters it is important not to given preferential treatment to one or a group of learners and to treat  everyone equally. Teachers should not give out personal information or get personally involved with a student e.g. not join social networking sites etc. You should avoid touching students inappropriately or give preferential treatment to some students and not others. These boundaries could have a negative effect on us as teachers as well as other professionals within the organisation. We therefore need to deal with these boundaries by referring to the Institute for Learning’s Code of Practice (2008) which outlines the behaviours expected of teachers. (Word count 234) 3, Summarise the key aspics of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to your role and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer. (1.2) . Teachers always have to protect themselves and the best way to do it is to follow the rules of the code of practice. Being a teacher makes me automatically an example for my students so therefore I must not discriminate, abuse (physically or verbally), dress inappropriate, and be late or turn up for teaching intoxicated. The Code of Professional Practice comes in support of all teachers as guidance to how to be a good teacher. In a continually changing society the profession of teaching is becoming more complex and important and in order to keep up with the changes, I need to ensure that I meet the highest possible standards. Following this, I must be committed to my own professional learning, seeking to expand my skills and to deepen my knowledge as a teacher. Confidentiality and Data protection Act (1998) are very important legislations for a teacher, learners expect us to respect and protect confidentiality, this duty extends to any information relating to a learner which we acquire in the course of our work. Confidential information includes personal details. â€Å"Confidentiality can be defined as when one person receives personal or sensitive information from another person, then that person who receives the information has a duty not to pass it on to any other person without the consent of the person who confided in them.† As a professional teacher, I won’t share any information regarding my students unless the situation requires it. I’ll do my best to keep safe the information they are sharing with me and to gain their trust, if they will trust me then they’ll feel safe in my classroom. (Word count  272) 4, Explain how to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. (2.1) â€Å"Good classroom management depends a lot on how you establish the ground rules at the beginning of a course. Students need to know what you expect from them and what they can expect from you during the course. They need to know where the boundaries lie and what will happen if they step over the boundaries.† ( I feel that ground rules are useful strategy to help set the expectations of how a group can achieve a organized and pleasant approach when working together in the class room. When the ground rules have been established and agreed with the group you are working with, this then provides a frame of reference for the future. It can be useful at times for the ground rules to mainly be suggested by the students to give a sense of ownership, however teachers, might at times, wish to include suggestions in the ground rules if not thought of by the group. This is particularly important for teachers of adults, as it is an accepted way of looking at how students will agree appropriate behaviour, and be respectful during the learning process. When there arises some difficulties in the classroom related to behaviour and respect, the teacher can use the ground rules as one way of opening a dialogue or indeed to bring order back to the learning environment. A way of promoting appropriate behaviour and respect is to keep the established ground rules as an existing agreement, so it may be added too during the duration of learning with the group and learn from it and adapt it to other groups for future learning. (Word count 270) 5, explain why it’s important to promote behaviour and respect for others. (2.2) One of the most effective ways to promote appropriate behaviour and repect for others is to model the behaviour yourself. Create a learning environment where people feel comfortable in expressing their interpretation of what they believe appropriate behaviour to be. This may vary slightly or considerably depending on who is involved  within my case. An open discussion at the beginning of proceedings allows an opportunity for everyone to contribute. This may bring up cultural or behavioural differences which can be expressed and may raise issues not previously considered by some. It is important to do this to promote equality and diversity within the learning environment and not to raise issues and complicate learning for my students. (Word count 116) 6, Explain why it’s important to identify and meet individual learner needs and describe the points of referral to meet these needs. (1.4, 3.3) It is important that you identify the needs of your learners so you can design the course to reflect individual differences. Although this is usually described as the first stage in the teaching/training cycle it is a process that may have to be deferred until you meet your learners for the first time and usually should be a continuing requirement throughout the learning journey. However, some organisations interview their learners before the course, or there may be an application process where learner needs can be identified. The range of learner needs can be described by a variety of acronyms – one of which is used is; SPICE: Although inclusion is about supporting learner’s needs, it is not always possible for teachers to do this without support themselves. You should be aware of the limits of your responsibility and know when and where to access support both for yourself and your learners. If you have a line manager, he or she should be your first point of contact for referral. If you have team meetings or contact with other teachers, your colleagues may also be able to help through their own previous experiences. Support may be available in your own organisation, through a learning support department or from Skills for Life specialists. Some organisations have specialist resources for supporting disabled learners or may be able to provide a learning support assistant. It may be appropriate to refer a learner for an Information, Advice and Guidance session either within your own organisation or to an external organisation. Many of the voluntary and charitable organisations have websites with advice about teaching strategies to support people with sensory or physical disabilities or may be able to supply resources. Points of referral will differ according to the type of organisation you work in; it is your responsibility to find out what support is available locally. (Word count 433)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Making Ethical Decisions in Healthcare Organizations Research Paper

Making Ethical Decisions in Healthcare Organizations - Research Paper Example A good healthcare professional never wavers in his approach and makes the right decision quickly. This differentiates him from the rest or other healthcare professional. Not only making the right decision is important but also the timing of the decision is critical. It is hardly the case that a healthcare professional has ample at his disposal. Hence, healthcare professionals usually have to make right decisions keeping in might the ethical aspect as well as the rules setup by the management of the healthcare organization. One important theory that explains how healthcare professional should act is Utilitarianism. This theory is an important theory in resolving different ethical problems and dilemmas. This theory states that all healthcare professionals should choose the action that benefits the society more. An action should only be undertaken if it provides greater good to the society. There should be more benefits accruing to the society as a result of this action than the costs o f undertaking such action. For example, suppose a criminal comes to a healthcare organization and is about to die and officials in that organization has very little time to decide whether to inform the police or to heal the patient. ... Now according to the utilitarianism theory it is better for the healthcare professionals to report the criminal to the police. This would ensure that the lives of thousands of people living in a far flung rural area will be saved at the expense of the criminal in the society who is likely to spread more evil in the society if he is saved. Hence, Utilitarianism clearly marks out the correct option in this situation, that is to inform the polices and possibly save the lives of thousands of people in a village who would get more budgets from the government as it will not have spend thousands of dollars to capture the criminal. The feminist theories have been raised to prominence in 21st century. Many ethics experts these days are paying more important to feminist theories as a critical part of making right ethical decisions. These theories call for showing greater concern for women and their issues. In the past, men used to get upper hand on all issues and women issues were not dealt wi th great concern. However in the recent times the pendulum has shifted and women are getting much needed support for their issues and rights. According to these theories, the decision made must show concern for women. For example, in recruitment and selection many organizations are now bound to have a quota for women and should show them as equal opportunity employers. Many healthcare organizations are now hiring women for the important jobs and they are given special decision making powers to run these organizations on their consent. This has helped organization to grow and women have become an important cog in the growth machinery of organizations around the world. There are also special laws passed in order

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Consumer Behavior and Retail Marketing Strategy Essay

Marketing Consumer Behavior and Retail Marketing Strategy - Essay Example From this research, it is clear that consumer behavior mainly focuses on how an individual is making decisions about spending their time, money and effort on various products or services. It also includes what and why they are buying, place and time of buying, how often they buy the product and use how often use it and how they are evaluating it after purchasing the product or service and most important the effect of such evaluations on their future purchasing behavior. This study will help to understand the consumer behavior and the retail marketing strategy of the duty-free market in order to take decisions regarding the correct retail marketing strategy. Duty-free goods are found at ports, international airports, border towns, cruise ships, on-board international flights and in some other stores of downtown. These retail stores generally offer a wide range of products like alcohol and tobacco, fragrances, cosmetics, chocolates, sweets and luxury goods. From these duty free retailers, airports are earning higher profits. Many organizations have started to invest in the duty free market as it is a good opportunity for successful expansion of their business and it is mainly seen in the fashion industry.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

IKEAs Corporate Social Responsibility and Supply Management Coursework

IKEAs Corporate Social Responsibility and Supply Management - Coursework Example It is noted that since the year 2000, IKEA has worked actively towards meeting its set corporate social responsibility towards its business sustainability. The first area of CRS that IKEA started channeling its efforts was to meet the social requirement of its stakeholders by complying in its supply chain. In other words, IKEA created effective business relationship with investors and supplies towards sustainable business. Additionally, IKEA has made RCS its organizational culture that aims at enduring effective partnership with all stakeholders as it support social issues, protect the environment, and giving back to the society. Notably, IKEA is highly involved in the community development a responsibility that makes it in active interaction with its various stakeholders. IKEA has also set code of conduct within its operation to ensure that its employees interact among themselves and with other stakeholders in socially acceptable manners. IKEA started implementing its code of conduc t in the year 2000.

A) How successful has the government of the Irish Republic been in Essay

A) How successful has the government of the Irish Republic been in running it's economy over the last three years b) Describe and evaluate the main macro econo - Essay Example â€Å"Because Ireland is a small country, FDI The housing market helped helped to sustain growth in the recent years as housing investment has reached almost 16% of GNI, but the market has turned since 2006.on the basis GNI growth is expected to decline from 5% in 2007 to 3% in 2008. The housing market weakness also effected badly on increasing the rate of unemployment from 4% in 2006, to 5.5% in 2008. Ireland enjoyed spectacular growth in tax revenues over the past years but this is affected by the economic declining, the government surplus of 3.5% of GNI has reduced in to .5% in 2007due to the lower property related receipts the real government expenditure has expanded rapidly In the year 2005, Ireland’s employment rates reduced from 14% to 4%, due to the growth in GDP. But in the year 2006 the unemployment rate increased to 4.4% Ireland faces a problem of sustainability from other countries because of the generation gap in population aged over 65, relating to working age population .the current system will unsustainable even with the national pension fund The growth rate in GDP has reached 10%from 1997 to 2000; which in 2005 has reached $169 billion, above the average of EU 25. However, since year 2006 Ireland’s economic growth started to slow down, due to the lower investment spending and more moderate consumption, which is 5.6%, in 2007 at 4.7% and it is projected to slow down further in the coming years. In the past years economic activity remain strong by the strong domestic demand but it is now easing in the short step should be taken to attract the foreign investment. In the longer run, stronger productivity growth and continued increase in participation rates will be needed to sustain a fast pace of real income growth. The easing activity has slow down government revenues and a sharp drop in the fiscal surplus

Friday, July 26, 2019

DMS and Destination Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

DMS and Destination Tourism - Essay Example It is not surprising, hence, when countries, especially the developing economies, integrate tourism strategies in their overall economic policy. The idea is to take advantage of the opportunities, which are facilitated by the globalization phenomenon. According to Goeldner and Ritchie (2009, p.26), â€Å"for a number of countries, tourism is the largest commodity in international trade,† and that â€Å"in many others, it ranks among the top three industries.† The case of Namibia’s tourism strategy is a case in point. Last 2006, the World Travel and Tourism Association conducted an accounting study and found that: The broader tourism economy in Namibia accounts for 72,000 jobs and 18% of Namibia’s gross domestic product (GDP). These figures are 50% higher than were originally estimated. (Ivanovic et al. 2009, p.91). Since tourism is an industry that operates within the current globalized international trading system, countries and destinations have to compe te with each other for tourists in an integrated tourism market in order to gain meaningful economic benefits. The process is facilitated by free trade and technology. One of the consequences of this development is the emergence of the destination tourism model, which entails the identification and promotion of localities as a result of their location, natural attraction and tourist-oriented facilities (Binns & Nel 2002, p.235) The employment of this approach has enabled many destinations to thrive in the intensely competitive tourism market. Destination Tourism Destination tourism emphasizes location. What this means is that a country or a location builds on its own characteristics in creating a unique brand that help the location gain competitive advantage and effectively sold to a target market. Carter and Fabricius (2007) explained that a destination in tourism is "the basic unit of analysis in tourism which is a distinctly recognizable area with geographic or administrative bou ndaries that tourists visit and stay in during their trip where tourism revenue is significant, or potentially significant, to the economy and is serviced by both private and public sector." Keller and Bieger (2007, p.12) contextualized the benefits of tourism in their discussion of the economics of destinations. They argued that from a general perspective destinations could or should be treated as geographically delineated economic aggregates, which, similar to economic regions, generate economic growth, which can be driven by "quantitative and qualitative changes in inputs and the efficiency with which these inputs are being employed." This is the reason behind the thematic conception of the way destinations are marketed. For example, Singapore works on promoting itself as an Asian urban destination. The public relation initiatives that sell the location as a product focus on the urban amenities that Singapore has to offer. The â€Å"theming† of the city has been very consi stent. In the past, it has pursued thematic concepts depicting â€Å"Instant Asia† and â€Å"Garden City† and after 1997, it has finally adopted a highly effective imaging strategy that aims to market the city-state as a modern metropolis with an exotic Asian

Thursday, July 25, 2019

My opinion about Alternative Worlds Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My opinion about Alternative Worlds - Article Example Megatrends describe the major and progressive changes that will define and shape the world in the near future. The world in 2030 will certainly be a lot different than the world at present as different factors, including individuals’ position, ownership of power, demography, and availability of food, water and energy, would have changed. According to the article, the major trends in the near future are likely to concern individual empowerment, diffusion of power, demographic patterns, and growing food, water and energy nexus. Each of these megatrends is discussed as below. Individual Empowerment refers to the individualistic power that people in future are likely to possess as compared to the present. In the next 15 to 20 years, the level of poverty is likely to reduce thus causing a rise in the number of people categorised as middle class in the entire world. Also, such people would be more educated, have access to modern communications and manufacturing technologies, as well as live in a world with better health-care facilities. This trend is significant as it determines the amount of power that an individual possesses. Unlike the present where individual power is limited, this trend will give people much say in matters that affect them. Diffusion of power describes power shift from powerful states such as United States and Europe, to other emerging economies in the world such as China and Brazil, and finally to non-state groups or coalitions. As other economies grow, it will be difficult for some few states such as the U.S. to assume total power. In addition, emergence of groups that own most factors of production and communication networks will cause power to further shift from states to amorphous coalitions. This trend is significant as powerful states such as United States will lost much of the power to the other players in global leadership. The third megatrend is in demographic patterns and this describes the composition and the nature of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Positioning School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Positioning School - Essay Example Through positioning school, the leaders of the organization will be in a position to know which business environment it is supposed to operate in and help in its growth by providing the necessary requirements (Demougin & Fluet, 2001). The market drive and the positional school of the organization shape the organization’s structure.When an organization gets into the market and doesn’t find the right market environment; there the possibility of it collapsing as it does not get to have its own structure it can operate through.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many concepts in competitive advantage in an organizational environment can be described in the five forces identified and described by Porter (1996). First, Porter (1996) discussed the threat of entrants. New organizations face some barriers to entry. These barriers may include capital problems and customer problems. F. X. Pounds, Inc. leaders did not experience these barriers because the company had a wide set client base so they did not have capital problems (Mulcaster, 2009). As a result of providing quality services, F. X. Pounds, Inc. leaders obtained loyal customers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The bargaining power of suppliers is the second force in Porter’s model (Porter, 1996). The strength of a supplier depends on the options has available to the customers. When there are many suppliers in the market and fewer customers, there emerges bargaining power. On the other hand, if there are few suppliers and many customers, bargaining power lies on the supplier's end.This bargaining power enhances tensions between the supplier and the customer. These companies; F. X. Pounds Inc, Miller Fuel, and A&F Group, in this case, study have many sources of suppliers. As a result, the suppliers have little bargaining power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bargaining power of customers is the third force discussed by Porter (1996) in his model.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Paper - Essay Example The ethical responsibilities I have to the families of children would call for me to contact all parents involved but chiefly the lesbian mothers in order to let them know what is going on in the classroom and what kind of treatment their child is being exposed to. The family of this child deserves respect due to its individual beliefs and child-rearing values, and should be highly engaged in the solution to their child’s classroom problems. I would ask these parents what their reaction to this behavior of the child’s peers is, and if they have any specific course of action that they would like to take or ask of me. I would be sure to make clear that I am in a position to do everything possible to help them and their child find a solution to this that fits their expectations, and am not coming to them without my own determination to resolve the issue. If they had no special expectations I would furthermore make clear to them that I can be trusted to adhere to the ethica l code of keeping mutual trust while completely respecting their families values as well as their child’s individual character. My next course of action would be to speak with the parents of the other children involved, and explain to them that as a teacher I operate by an ethical code of conduct that requires me to have a special, open, and considerate position towards all children in my class.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Qualification Handbook Essay Example for Free

Qualification Handbook Essay Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) October 2011 Version 1. 0 Qualification at a glance Subject area City Guilds number Age group approved Entry requirements Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 6302 19+ There are no formal entry requirements. Learners are required to have evidence of level 3 vocational skills for the area in which they will teach if they are to progress into teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (LLS) This qualification is available at levels 3 and 4. Both levels are to be assessed by a combination of assignments (provided) and observation of teaching/training. Simulation (micro-teaching) is permitted for units 003 and 010. Available (see section 2 Centre requirements) Signature Signature Signature Signature 60 City Guilds Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) Form 2 Assessment front sheet and feedback record PTLLS Level 3/4 This form is mandatory Theory Assessment No: Learner name: Enrolment number: Date issued: Date submitted: I confirm that the evidence for this unit is authentic and a true representation of my own work. Learner signature: Date: Feedback: Continue on a separate sheet if necessary, see overleaf Tutor/Assessor/Marker and IQA’s signatures (IQA if sampled) must be appear on the following page. City Guilds Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) 61 Feedback: (Continued from previous page) Marker/Tutor/Assessor name: Resubmission date (if referred): IQA’s name (if sampled) Grade Grade Date Date Date 62

Family Systems and Healthy Development Essay Example for Free

Family Systems and Healthy Development Essay Healthy development is generally understood as the progressive physical, emotional, cognitive and social maturation that takes place in a person’s life from conception onwards into adulthood. This process is further influenced by a continuous whirlwind of biological and environmental factors. Of the numerous environmental factors that an individual encounters over the course of the life span, it is clear to see family systems play a significant role and can be extremely impactful on the developmental process. To gain a better understanding of the impact of family on healthy development, it is worthwhile to consider the various family structures that exist in our culture. The portrait of the family in today’s society is no longer rigidly defined by marriage, which is characterized by a two parent household with children; rather there are increasing numbers of single parents, teen parents, divorced parents and same-sex couple parents. â€Å"Sometimes we forget the great variety of forms, not only of the families living amongst us, but also those presented in scripture. There are single person families like Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus. There are families experiencing difficulties like Joseph and his brothers, or broken families seeking new life like Naomi and Ruth† (Way, 2003). Of the various forms that the family structure can take, one consistent factor that is crucial for the facilitation of healthy development is family stability. Parental mental competence, stable-loving caregivers, positive or negative parenting are all factors that contribute to the establishment of the stability of the family unit. The home environment is arguably one of the most important facets of an individual’s childhood growth and development. When there is structure and stability children tend to thrive and are more self-aware and assertive, versus when there is little to no stability the opposite effect can be expected to occur. â€Å"When disruptions in the stability of the family environment occur, youths’ ability to develop adequate   self-control skills may be compromised, leading to both internalizing and externalizing problems (Malatras Israel, 2013). Though there are notable differences in the childrearing practices around the world there are marked similarities that exist in the context of determining a healthy family unit. It is helpful to consider socioeconomic status, parental contributions and involvement, sibling relationships, family history and cultural norms when trying to determine the overall health of a family system. Factors such as warmth, emotional availability, routine activities such as predictable bed or mealtime activities, religious observances and communication are of considerable importance when evaluating the health of a family system in the Western culture. However in other cultures such as the Caribbean there is less emphasis placed on the feelings of warmth and emotional connections and more on discipline, control and behavior management. Children in the Caribbean are expected to perform adult responsibilities at a much earlier age than their American counterparts. For example in a study conducted on child health in Jamaica â€Å"at the age of four or five, children of both sexes begin doing household chores such as sweeping, mopping, floor polishing, and caring for younger children† (Sargent Harris, 1992). Children are also expected to complete tasks such as cooking and laundry as early as the age of seven. Within the constraints of cultural norms, one can say that a healthy family system is one in which the developing child can thrive physically and emotionally and is on track to becoming a functional member of that society. In the same way that a healthy family system can assist an individual in becoming self-sufficient and aware; there are negative impacts that can occur when there are breakdowns in the foundation of the family. For example in families where psychological maltreatment takes place, the effects can be detrimental to the child who as a result may suffer from low self-esteem, lying, misbehavior, and underachievement in school. The impact of abuse on brain development is also profound and has been linked to a reduction in the size of the amygdala and hippocampus later on in adulthood. It is also noted that the fear, terror and stress associated with abuse may also produce permanent changes due to the overstimulation of the limbic system (Feldman, 2014). In conclusion, one can clearly see the vast significance that the role of  family plays in the physical, spiritual, social and cognitive development of an individual. The family unit is the training ground for life in the world at large and its impact can be either positive or negative. However there are several other factors at work in determining how an individual will handle their life regardless of the cards that they are dealt. For instance a child who grows up in a home where he has been the victim of psychological maltreatment may still have a chance at being a fully functional and contributing member of society due to his resilience and ability to traverse difficult circumstances. Likewise some children who are given all the tools for success, emotional stability and great family environment may still make bad decisions later on in life. The research is unprecedented in its support that healthy family systems, regardless of cultural norms facilitate the production of health y independent adults who are able to thrive in the society of their upbringing. References Feldman, R. S. (2014). Development across the life span (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Malatras, J. W. and Israel, A. C. (2013), The Influence of Family Stability on Self-Control and Adjustment. J. Clin. Psychol., 69: 661–670. doi: 10.1002/jclp.21935. Sargent, C., Harris, M. (1992). Gender ideology, childrearing, and child health in Jamaica. American Ethnologist, 19(3), 523-537. Retrieved from: Way, P. (2003). Family systems. The Clergy Journal, 80(1), 14-15. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Company That Change The World Media Essay

Company That Change The World Media Essay Today, the companys worth exceeds RM200 millions, with a turnover of around US1.6 billion and employed more than 1500 staffs. Karangkrafs business was started by publishing their first magazine publication, Mingguan Kanak-Kanak in a little shop lot in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. They sold more than 150,000 copies every week during that time. This is when people realized that Karangkraf is a publishing house that was different. With constant demand of printed reading material from readers in Malaysia, during year 1990, the company started to enter commercial printing business with the opening of Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd and Dasar Cetak Sdn Bhd to provide printing services for Karangkrafs products. By then, with their own printing divisions, Karangkraf started to publish books and novels under its Alaf 21 and Karya Bestari imprints. In year 2006, Karangkraf take a big step by publishing own daily newspaper called Sinar Harian . However, Sinar Harian actually is not the first daily publish by Karangkraf. During the 80s, Karangkraf publish a daily tabloid on entertainment and politics called Ekslusif. But the tabloid had to shut down as government refused to renew the publishing permit. With persistent and bravery shown by Dato Hussamuddin, finally Karangkraf received permit to publish a daily newspaper that known to be unconventional, transparent and ready to publish what others will avoided. This motto is the reason Sinar Harian becoming the number one local newspaper in Malaysia. As years passing by, Kumpulan Karangkraf becomes larger and bigger in terms of size and volume. Then the company takes step in year 2010, with incorporation of Kumpulan Media Karangkraf as the parent company to replace Kumpulan Karangkraf to monitor the four core business divisions: magazines, newspaper, books, printing and digital each managed by its own team of management. 1.2 The Divisions Grup Majalah Karangkraf (Magazine Business) currently is publishing 29 titles of magazines throughout Malaysia that cover different genres for different age and gender. In terms of market share, Karangkraf has taken over about 50% of total magazine market in Malaysia. The magazine division accounts for 30% to 40% of Karangkraf revenue. Grup Buku Karangkraf (Book Division) has published more than a thousand books over the past 10 years. This division currently publishes average of twenty titles monthly to meet the demand of Malaysian readers. The book division contributes about 10% of Karangkraf turnover. Grup Sinar Karangkraf (Newspaper Division) publishes daily local national newspaper, Sinar Harian in the Peninsular of Malaysia. Sinar Harian has eight different editions to supply local news to different regions in the country. The division contributes about 10% to 15% of group revenue. Grup Percetakan Ultimate (Printing Division) is division that contributes nearly 40% of Karangkraf revenue, also is the largest commercial printers in Malaysia. Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd does not only commit to print Karangkrafs publications but also has a big reputation in printing business for having most of major clients such as Sony and Panasonic. Grup Digital Karangkraf (Digital Division) is the latest group in the company. This division was created to engage in digital business and to provide digital reading materials. 1.3 Geographic Market Forty years ago, when Karangkraf has only started, the founder was target to build business within Malaysia as during that time, reading materials were dull and uninspiring. With constant determination to inspire Malaysian to read more and to uphold Malay language, now Karangkraf is one of the biggest publishing groups in Malaysia and it is the largest Malay language publisher. Kumpulan Media Karangkraf Sdn Bhd builds their head quarter in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia which is the head office to all the divisions except for printing division. This head office held most of the staffs such as editors, graphic designers, reporters, and photographers and also the place where books, magazines and newspapers been published. Most photo shoots for their magazines are held in here. Authors of books and novels will send their work to editors here for editing before send to printing division for printing process. For Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd, they have their own office and printing factory nearb y and also in Shah Alam. With skills workers and advance machines, Ultimate Print capable to print 2 million copies monthly. As for newspaper division, this group also has sub offices in different states; Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan, according to the state of the Sinar Harian edition. These sub offices are for the editors and reporters to prepare and supply local news faster to the community in the area. Karangkraf currently only publishes their publications in Malay language. Malay language is national language in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia and one of official languages in Singapore. Thus, for the past years, their target customers are only limited to these regions. However, with the fast and advance technology of internet and gadgets nowadays, they have started their digital group division to make their magazines and newspaper available online. Karangkraf already have started to provide purchase services via online to simplify customer to buy and subscribe to Karangkraf publications. With their establish brand, Karangkraf also have explored the need to translate their books and magazines into different languages to get through demand from international readers. 2.0 PRODUCT OF KARANGKRAF; MALAY LANGUAGE NOVEL 2.1 Introduction of Malay Language Novel Publication in Karangkraf The Karangkrafs book division is the collaboration of three publication subsidiaries called Alaf 21, Buku Prima and Karya Bestari. On April 1997, Alaf 21 was born and this is the start point of books business under Karangkrafs wings. Alaf 21 now is known as an establish publisher of Malay language fiction novels. Biofoto Raihan is the first publication under Alaf 21 and started from that, Alaf 21 keep on producing quality reading materials for readers. Alaf 21 also produces motivational, recipe and craft work books. With more than three hundred supplier agents around Malaysia, the market for their books also covers Singapore, Brunei and individuals around the world. 2.2 Type of Good Novels are classified into monopolistic competitive market where there were many firms in the market but the products are differentiated products. Because each novel is unique so the publishers are rather price makers rather than price takers. The cost to reprint additional copy is actually much less than the price of the novel itself. Example, price of a novel by Alaf21 is RM19.90, but the cost to reprint another copy is not RM19.90, it is actually much less than RM4 per copy for normal size paperback novel. Thus, the price is higher than marginal cost which fulfils monopolistic competition case. Other than that, Karangkrafs novels can be specified as a normal good as it is positively related to income because when income increases, quantity demanded followed increases and vice versa. This statement is according to mini survey that was held by our group to loyal novels readers. From 23 respondents, 21 of respondents said that if the price was increased, they will still buy but with quantity less than before. They will limit to novels that received good reviews or certain writers only and not just any novels from the shelf. But if the price is unchanged and their income increased because of bonuses or increments, all of them agreed that they will spend more on novels. As quantity demand and income move in same direction, Karangkraf novels have positive income elasticities (elasticity > 0). At some times, publishers will lowered price of some novel when customer pre-order the novel before it hits the store. The sales revenue of that particular novel will increase resulting from increasing of quantity demanded by customers. Thus, this product agrees with Law of Demand. This is an example for novel titled Adam dan Hawa. After the drama series adapted from the novel screened on television, Karangkraf reprinted the novel and gives lower price of RM16.92 each for readers whom pre-order via online instead of normal price RM19.90 each in the stores. This discounted price got encouraging responses from readers and also the television series fans and has increased the sales of that novel. 2.3 Demand of the Product The brand of Karangkraf and Alaf 21 are well known to Malay language novels lovers. The quality of the novels published has been established and trusted with over forty years of experiences in publication. With new technology and now more substitutes reading materials available in the internet or online, worldwide publication companies had decreasing in quantity demanded of printed reading materials. However, Karangkraf still experienced increasing in profits in their printed publications. Many factors could be the reason of this event such as increasing of income, the trusted Karangkrafs brand or Karangkrafs good marketing strategy. This also shown that the demand of Karangkrafs products did not affected by the substitutes or competitors. Recently, the drama of Adam dan Hawa was screened on television is adapted from the novel by Alaf 21. The popularity of the drama series has causing the same titled novel has increase in the number of sales and the demand for the novel also increasing tremendously. Even though this novel was published on 2005 but the impact of the drama make the quantity demanded for the novel increases. Although there still no exact figure of profits Karangkraf received with this phenomena as the drama still in running on television. With that kind of special attentions were given to a novel, Alaf 21 has reprinted the novel to fulfil the demand and the price of the novel in bookstore is still the same with other title. Another factor that can affect the increasing demand is 1Malaysia book voucher worth RM250 that were given to students. By receiving this voucher the students whom mostly are teenagers tend to spend it for novels than textbooks. This is because one of the major populations who read novel is teenagers or students. Besides education book, novel will be apart as their reading material in a leisure time and for entertainment purpose. 2.4 Target Market Novel is a fictional narrative to represent some characters and usually a plot in different genres such as romances, actions, thrillers or mysteries. Different types of genres attract different group of population. Karangkraf is a publisher that aims all types of generations and genders. This statement can be supported by the types of novel that Karangkraf publishes; love, teenager love, family love, thriller, Islamic and nostalgia. Focusing on Alaf 21 publications, they have more inclination towards publishing romances fictions or chic-lit. So their target markets are women above 20 years old. Karangkraf has stated that romance novels which dominate the Malay book market are mostly read by women above 35 years of age. As for Buku Prima, they are more focusing on publishing lighter content novel and give moral values towards reader. So their target markets are teenagers below 20 years old and also children. Karya Bestari is a publisher for religion or Islamic books and their target m arket are Muslims of all ages. 2.5 Special Characteristics There are a lot of novels published by Alaf 21 become phenomenal to novel fans such as Ombak rindu, Adam dan Hawa, Bicara Hati and Kasih Yang Suci. All this novels are either was adapted into a movie or into a drama series shown by television; hence it increases the commercial value of the novels. This is actually a marketing strategy that now makes Alaf 21 and also Karangkraf, the trusted brands in creative fiction. The impact is that the readers will always waiting for new published novel as they already have confident with the quality and satisfaction in reading of Alaf 21 novels. 2.6 Competitors and Substitutes There are few competitors of publishers in Malay language novel in Malaysia such as Karyaseni Enterprise and Kaki Novel Sdn Bhd. Karyaseni was started their business on 2006 from web based homepage named by collecting short story and novel submitted by authors around the country. They realized the demand and important of printed novels thus Karyaseni as a publication company was born on 2011. Kaki Novel started their publishing Malay language novel on 2005. Both of these publishers are considered very new in this industry while Karangkraf is the pioneer with no peers during their first started. Novel can be said as an entertainment source for reader by giving excitement and fun and sometimes valuable information and moral values to the reader. Reading novel can be sort of a hobby to some people. In the market, there are a lot of substitutes for novel such as comics, magazines, internet, television and other source that can give entertainment to people. Karangkraf must have a good marketing strategy to distinguish from other competitors and substitutes to keep on survive, gain demand and profits. Karangkraf also achieve a competitive advantage as their  business position better within the business environment. They have an advantage in operational effectiveness as Karangkraf have their own printing company. Also with Karangkraf own printing company, novel by Karangkraf is not expensive in the market as they already cut cost in that department. This may attempt to increase quality, productivity, and employees and customers satisfaction with the company. 2.7 Marketing Strategy Karangkraf always involve their writers and authors during launch ceremony of their creations and turning their authors into celebrity. Book signing activity is the usual agenda during the launch of the novel to introduce the author and keep a good relationship between the authors and readers. By that, authors will have loyal fans that will always waiting for new novel by their favourite author. Karangkraf keep on exposing the good and creative creation of their authors for adaptation by directors that will turn the novel into motion pictures. This positive relationship between Production Company and Karangkraf had shown the quality of products by Karangkraf. The novels of Karangkraf that turn into movies and dramas always received high ratings or become a box office movie. The writers will receive royalty and this is a good encouragement towards other writers to keep on giving a creative product and different from others. Karangkraf need to do a lot of promotions to promote their products as well as their writers. Karangkraf take action by always conduct their own book carnivals, Pesta Buku Karangkraf to introduce all of their products in one place. During the events, discounts were given to attract more buyers. Karangkraf also have considered more of their products to be available online to attract more young reader and also the needs of translation into different languages to promote their products outside Malay language regions. Karangkraf also established a web called karangkraf mall whereas a customers may purchase karangkraf product online. The web is very user friendly and makes the process of purchasing easier to the customer. This is an innovation strategy that provides them a competitive advantage. Karangkraf always give great attention and hard work to design their cover page despite the idiom Do not judge the book by its cover, but with attractive design on the cover will capture the buyers eyes from many books in the market. 3.0 CONCLUSION With over forty years of experience in publication, Karangkraf keep on producing a quality product that can be trusted. As a market leader, Karangkraf have their speciality and strength to focuses on what the customer wants from company and how to provide that. They also are able to provide products that are different and offer different features than the competitors. With cost operational advantage they will perform the business activities better and maximize the profit.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Debate Between Faith and Science :: Philosophy, God

Faith and Science In today’s world there is an ongoing debate between faith and science. The extraordinary advances of science have sometimes led to the belief that it is capable of answering by itself all of man's questions and resolving all his problems. Some have concluded that by now there is no longer any need for God. It has been said that one must choose between faith and science: either one embraces one or believes in the other. People seem to have faith belief in God as creator of life and some have scientific beliefs in the spontaneous generation of life from inanimate matter (Wright 111). Between faith and science there will always be conflict. A scientist who is committed to scientific research no longer has a need for God and vice versa is prominent. A scientist by the name of Dr. Collin’s made a breakthrough in science by creating the human genome which consists of the entire DNA in our species, the heredity code of life (National). Such a breakthrough for a scientist that is a strong believer in God would call for an occasion of worship. He made it known that the belief in God is completely a rational choice and faith is paired with the fundamentals of science (National). But the real question is should faith and science be separated? Many scientists believe it should be separated simply because they don’t believe in God and they have theories that prove just that. Jennifer Sexton and Laura Finley, from an Ebsco host article made an excellent point and stated, â€Å"Religious believers argue that the presumption of God's existence is based on reason, and that the proof of God's existence is in the unanswered questions about the universe, which remain unaddressed by science† (Sexton). As Christians our world views should strongly relate to our faith. Our task is to shape a worldview according to the teachings of scripture, and continually test the world views against the scriptures. This biblical worldview will then serve as a guide through life, and this includes responses to origins, stewardship, justice, medical, and genetic concerns (Wright 12). Hebrews chapter eleven verse three states, â€Å"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.† From this verse it is essential as a biology major to stand by my faith. Everything in biology ranging from meiosis, genetics, to anatomy includes God’s Governance of the cosmos, even chance and random processes (Wright 26).

Friday, July 19, 2019

World of the Work Essay -- Literary Analysis, Song of Solomon

Toni Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon tells the account of an African American male's hunt for his individuality through a discovery of his ancestor’s past. Morrison tells this legend through the character of Solomon, the great-grandfather of Milkman Dead. Through learning of the tale of Solomon and his capability to soar, Milkman discovers a strong sense of satisfaction in his heritage and realizes he must treasure his community and family. While most of the narrative occurs from 1931-1963, there are intermittent flashbacks from the late nineteenth century. Two distinct settings in Song of Solomon play a key but contrasting role in identifying and understanding the personality of its inhabitants and the importance of human interaction as a whole. While the town close to Lake Superior is never given a title, the reader imagines it is Detroit, Michigan. In the beginning of the novel, the narrator focuses on the Southside and the road the residents call â€Å"Not Doctor Street†, a primarily black area (Morrison 4). This street name gives â€Å"Southside residents a way to keep their memories a...

Cowboys With Guns :: essays research papers fc

Cowboys with Guns during the Wild Wild West   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Old West, guns played an important role in the lives of cowboys. There were various kinds of guns that cowboys used. They fell into two categories: hand gun and rifle. The most common handguns were the Derringer and the Colt .45; as for rifles there was the Winchester. Most of the time guns were used for shooting animals for food or calming the cattle. Occasionally, a cowboy might have to use one against Indians or rustlers. On the trail most cowboys would have guns with them but they would leave them in the chuck wagon. (The chuck wagon was a cart that was usually in the back of the herd that held all of the cowboy’s goods.) They left the guns in the wagon because the guns were heavy and often times got in the way and could be dangerous while riding a horse. Most cowboys were not very good with guns and even one cowboy shot himself in the foot. The gun did come in handy though, especially when a stampede occurred. The cowboys would ride to the chuck wagon, grab their guns, and continue to the front of the herd where they would shoot three evenly spaced shots over the leader-cattle’s heads. This would usually stop the stampede. The Derringer was a small pistol with a large caliber that had two barrels, which were parallel horizontally or vertically. It could be laid in the palm of the hand and made a terrible wound when shot at close range. In some towns along the trail cowboys used Hideouts when they had to turn in their 6-Shooters. A Hideout was a Derringer that was hidden in the boot, a shoulder holster, waistband, or hung by a cord down the sleeve or coat. Cowboys would wear one so that if someone accused them of cheating they would be able to defend themselves. The Winchester was the term used for a rifle or carbine. This gun was one of the best-selling guns around. Some cowboys said that this gun could shoot for a week and not have to be reloaded. This, of course, was not true but this was said because the Winchester could hold quite a bit of ammunition. The Colt .45 was also a very common gun in the old west. Cowboys With Guns :: essays research papers fc Cowboys with Guns during the Wild Wild West   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Old West, guns played an important role in the lives of cowboys. There were various kinds of guns that cowboys used. They fell into two categories: hand gun and rifle. The most common handguns were the Derringer and the Colt .45; as for rifles there was the Winchester. Most of the time guns were used for shooting animals for food or calming the cattle. Occasionally, a cowboy might have to use one against Indians or rustlers. On the trail most cowboys would have guns with them but they would leave them in the chuck wagon. (The chuck wagon was a cart that was usually in the back of the herd that held all of the cowboy’s goods.) They left the guns in the wagon because the guns were heavy and often times got in the way and could be dangerous while riding a horse. Most cowboys were not very good with guns and even one cowboy shot himself in the foot. The gun did come in handy though, especially when a stampede occurred. The cowboys would ride to the chuck wagon, grab their guns, and continue to the front of the herd where they would shoot three evenly spaced shots over the leader-cattle’s heads. This would usually stop the stampede. The Derringer was a small pistol with a large caliber that had two barrels, which were parallel horizontally or vertically. It could be laid in the palm of the hand and made a terrible wound when shot at close range. In some towns along the trail cowboys used Hideouts when they had to turn in their 6-Shooters. A Hideout was a Derringer that was hidden in the boot, a shoulder holster, waistband, or hung by a cord down the sleeve or coat. Cowboys would wear one so that if someone accused them of cheating they would be able to defend themselves. The Winchester was the term used for a rifle or carbine. This gun was one of the best-selling guns around. Some cowboys said that this gun could shoot for a week and not have to be reloaded. This, of course, was not true but this was said because the Winchester could hold quite a bit of ammunition. The Colt .45 was also a very common gun in the old west.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tacitus Germania and Women

Germania, written by the Roman Cornelius Tacitus in 98 A. D, is a historical work on the warlike Germanic tribes located north of the Danube and the Rhine rivers. Anthropology is the study of societies, cultures, and origins of human races. In Germania, Tacitus describes the inhabitants, customs, and society of these Germanic tribes giving valuable anthropological insight. Tacitus specifically describes the role women held in these early Germanic societies.Germania is anthropologically insightful of Germanic women by showing the high regard the Germanic tribes held toward women; evidenced through the women's influence on wars, their role in society, and the Germanic marriage customs. Cornelius Tacitus was born in 56 A. D in the area of southern Gaul. By the year 75 he lived in Rome training as an orator. A year later he married the daughter of the consul Julius Agricola. In later years he wrote a biography of Julius Agricola. He eventually took up a career in politics rising from sen ator all the way up to the consulship in 97.After the consulship he continued with his political career as proconsul of Asia but began to write historical works as well. Some of Tacitus' major works include Agricola written in 97-8, Germania written in 98, The Histories, recording Roman history from 69 to 96, and The Annals, recording the history from 14 to 68. Tacitus is known as one of the greatest historians and prose stylists who wrote in Latin. His works The Histories and The Annals are among the masterpieces of Latin literature. Little evidence exists of Tacitus later life or the date of his death. 1Germania is split into 46 chapters or sections. Each one focuses on a different aspect of Germanic life and society. The book begins with a description of the geography of Germania with its boundaries of rivers, mountains, and the ocean. Tacitus then continues to describe the people themselves as a race â€Å"little affected by immigration† (37) because of their geography. T he name ‘Germania' came from the first people to cross the Rhine and defeat the Gauls. The inhabitants took the name Germani in honor of the conquerors and the terror they brought with them.Tacitus gives  descriptions of the Germani's religion, warlike society, home life, government, and the specific Germanic tribes or groups. With regards to religion, the Germani have many gods. Their most important god is Mercury. The Germani were known to give human sacrifices to appease Mercury at times. Other gods such as Hercules and Mars merely required animal sacrifices. The Germani are a very warlike society. Tacitus describes in detail their national war song to the gods sung before and during battle with a deep throaty roar. In the words of Tacitus, â€Å"The Germani have no taste for peace† (41). They are a culture of war.This warlike culture effects the home life and government of the Germani. Marriage is an important institution for the Germani and is highly revered. Tac itus cites that the women are in fact one of the men's greatest motivations for success in war. Though their kings are chosen by noble birth, they choose leaders for their valor. Neither the leaders nor the kings, however, have absolute power. Tacitus expounds upon all these aspects of Germani society in great detail. To conclude Germania Tacitus describes the specific practices of more than 20 individual nations and tribes within the area of Germania.The first evidence Germania gives of the Germani's high regard for women is apparent through the women's influence on the men during war. The women encouraged the men during war and had a great power to motivate the men. Tacitus explains how the women and children were the dearest possessions of the men and continues to say, â€Å"†¦ to them he looks for his highest praise. The men take their wounds to their mothers and wives, who are not afraid of counting and examining the blows, and bring food and encouragement to those fighti ng† (38).The women are taking a very active role in war through caring for the men. The men do not take this for granted, this is their greatest motivation. Tacitus explains more fully the women's ability to motivate the men, â€Å"Tradition has it that armies wavering and even on the point of collapse have been restored by the steadfast pleas of the women, who bared their breasts and described how close they were to enslavement – a fate that the men fear more keenly for their women than for themselves† (38).The women had such a strong power to motivate the men that they could restore the strength of a failing army. The Germani's high regard of women is evident by the women's ability to motivate and encourage the men during war. The thoughts and opinions of Germani women were regarded highly giving them a valuable role in society. Tacitus explains, â€Å"†¦ they believe that there resides in women something holy and prophetic, and so do not scorn their advi ce or disregard their replies† (39).Many societies, especially during this time, believed women to be incapable of intelligent reasoning. The Germani, however, believe women have something holy or prophetic within them. This caused the men to listen to the advice and opinions of the women rather than toss them aside as ignorant. This role of women, possessing something holy and sharing advice, shows a high regard for women in Germanic society. Lastly, the respect and honor shown to women through the Germanic marriage customs show a high regard for women.Tacitus praises the Germani's strict view of marriage. Tacitus describes their marriage customs, â€Å"They are almost unique among barbarians in being satisfied with one wife each†¦ The dowry is brought not by wife to husband, but by husband to wife. Parents and kinsmen attend and approve the gifts, gifts not chosen to please a woman's whim or gaily deck a young bride, but oxen, a horse with reins, a shield with spear an d sword† (43). By each man taking one woman for life the Germani demonstrate a value of women as more than property.The most unique and remarkable custom though regards the dowry. In most cultures the dowry is the gifts and inheritance the bride has to offer the groom. With the Germani, however, this is reversed. Instead the man must bring a dowry to offer the bride. The dowry is not made up of frivolous items for the bride to enjoy but practical items for living. This custom shows the brides worth and honor and demonstrates the Germani's view of women as being valuable and intelligent. The women of Germania are not pushed aside or placed at the bottom of Germanic society.Instead, they motivate the men in war renewing their strength when they are weary. The men value the women enough to place their safety above their lives in battle. The Germani believe the women to have something holy within them, so the men listen to them and do not disregard there advice. Finally, the men d o not trade women as possessions but honor them with a dowry and stay true to one woman in marriage. These anthropological insights of Germanic women described in Germania show the Germanic people held women in high regard in their culture and society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Biography Aurelius overbearinginus (referred to as St. Augustine of river horse) was born in Tagaste (now Souk- Ahras), North Africa on November 13, 354. His family was non mystifying growing up but Augustine quench received a Christian education. marvelous as a child he had a long-term relationship with a freedwo human being who bore him a son. When he was 19 he was introduced to philosophy at Carthage where he became a brilliant scholar who mastered Latin and knew Greek. He worked as a professor at Carthage for a while but sometimes the students didnt pay the professors after attending altogether the classes, so he got annoyed and traveled to Rome to look onk a fortune.When he was in his thirties he born-again to Christianity and entered a monastery. He spent the occupy of his life working on his philosophic musical compositions. In 395 he was ordained Bishop of Hippo. He died of a fever on August 28, 430 during the third month of the siege of Hippo by the barbarians. Philosophy on jurisprudencefulness St. Augustine viewd and wrote extensively near instinctive integrity. He defines instinctive rectitude as an instilled rude(a) uprightness pen on the benignant pump or conscience. Augustine believed earthy natural rightfulness was nonp beil of the ways God governs humans. His nonions of natural uprightness lead him to a word of honor about nevertheless and unsporting rights.He believed effective rightfulnesss were derived from natural honor. Additionally he believed, those legalitys not following natural jurisprudence, were un incisively and is no law at all Strengths and Weaknesses in that location ar a few helplessnesses when it comes to Augustines imprint on natural law. infixed law is grounded in religion and in todays world peck want a different legal system amongst the church and state. This makes them tend to avoid the wing to natural law. Another weakness is Augustines believed that some laws were written on populates hearts. This leads to the question, why is in that location bad tidy sum?Not to say all of natural law is a weakness because it does cod some strengths. One strength, to natural law is despite all the different religions and geographicss most societies bring on a common set of principals that lands credibility to the system of natural law. Another strength is the affirmation of natural law allows for separation amidst church and state in laws of penalizations. St. Augustine would definitely support civil disobedience. He believed if a law was unjust than it was no law at all. He thought that there were laws written on your heart and if a law wasnt written on your heart than it was an unjust law.Therefore he didnt consider it a law. Below is a short video of Martin Luther King motto his noteworthy speech Letter from a Birmingham jail. St. Augustine is liven for his creation of natural law. Augustine discovered that God creates at least some moral aspects. S t. Augustine, along with St. Paul, and St. doubting Thomas Aquinas founded the notion of an instilled law written on the human heart or conscience. It was created through the synthesis of notions such as natural jurist and the biblical belief in a greater cosmos and lawgiver that we think of as macrocosm natural law.Augustines most famous quote is too has the greatest extend to on natural law. His quote was an unjust law is no law at all. He means that justice is the sole purpose of law and if the law isnt fair, than it is not serving justice. Augustine on Free superior of the Will straightaway every penalization is a punishment for sin, if it is just, and is called a penalty but if the punishment is unjust, since none doubts it is a punishment, it is imposed on man by an unjust ruler. This spell of writing by Augustine talks about just and unjust laws and the background for punishments.It rein pushs his arrangement that an unjust law is no law at all. The Problem of Free Choice Book One. Will not whatsoever intelligent man regard that law as un varyable and everlasting(a), which is termed the law of reason? We must of all time obey it it is the law through which wicked men deserve an un gifted, and good men a happy life, and through which the law we have give tongue to should be called temporal is rightly decreed and rightly changed. Can it even be unjust that the wicked should be cheerless and the good happy, or that a well-disciplined people should be self-governing, while an ill-disciplined people should be deprived of this privilege.I see that this law is eternal and unchangeable. I think you also see that men derive all that is just and lawful in temporal law from eternal law. For if a nation is the right way not self-governing at one time, and justify not self-governing at another time, the justice of this temporal change is derived from that eternal principle by which it is always right for a disciplined people to be self-governing, but not a people that is undisciplined. This part of Augustines writing backs up his surmise of natural law. He is attempting to reconcile the relationship between natural law and mans free will.He believes that natural law is a part of every human being and freewill is the index of man to choose between what is the right affaire and what is violate. All of Augustines writing and books were to begin with written in Latin and have been translated into several different languages over the years. or so of his writing was religious in disposition and his views on laws were derived from his desire to understand gods relationship with society. Two Questions 1) How is the plan of natural law relevant in todays society and courts? ) What do you think some of the natural laws atomic number 18? Examples of natural law human rights, and so forth pictorial law is the theory or belief that received rights exist individually of any governing bodys granting of those rights. Generally, whenever a group rebels against their government and asserts rights that the government hasnt granted them, they are do a claim of natural law. some children, for example, appeal to a sense of integrity in disputes, and most people around the world agree that assassinate is a severeinfr swear outof natural law.For example, the contract bridge of independence was an assertion of natural law the right to be free, the right not to be taxed without representation, etc. , if you believe you are entitled to these rights just by fair play of the fact that you are alive/human, you believe in natural law. It can also work the other way certain actions are criminal just by virtue of the acts themselves, such as murder (malum per se). Positive law, on the other hand, is the theory or belief that all law comes from the government/lawmakers (Malum prohibitum).Basically, you have no rights that are not granted to you from the government, and no action is inherently right or wrong under the law unless there is general assembly or court-created law that says so. Basically, murder isnt misbranded because its evil or bad, its illegal because theres a written law in the books that says so. Natural law and natural rights follow from the nature of man and the world. We have the right to bear ourselves and our property, because of the kind of animals that we are.True law derives from this right, not from the peremptory power of the omnipotent state. Natural law has objective, external existence. It follows from the ESS (evolutionary stable strategy) for the use of force that is natural for humans and similar animals. The ability to make moral judgments, the readiness to know good and evil, has immediate evolutionary benefits just as the capacity to perceive collar dimensionally tells me when I am standing on the edge of a cliff, so the capacity to know good and evil tells me if my companions are liable to cut my throat.It evolved in the corresponding way, for the same straightforward and uncomplicated reasons, as our ability to throw rocks accurately. Read muchhttp//wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_examples_of_a_natural_lawixzz27LOHpIBl http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/augustine/ http//americanenglishdoctor. com/wordpress/literacy/basic-literacy/general-knowledge-2/basic-literature/letter-from-birmingham-jail/1758

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Class and Inequality

Social Class and Inequality

Rates of mobility arent likely to grow.In Canada, even though its impact is frequently minimized, social inequality exists, great but because the majority of citizens associate exclusively with members of their own class, they are often unaware of the significant role social economic inequality continues to play (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). An inadequate distribution of wealth remains â€Å"an important component† of Canada’s social inequities (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Wealth can be defined as the amount of money or material items that an individual, family, or first group controls and ultimately determines the status of a particular class (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). Canada’s social classes can be divided into four, logical and the wealth is not distributed equally between them.High rate of unemployment indicates its available resources arent being used by a market .Among these what are the so-called working poor whose incomes alone are not sufficient enough for adequate food or little shelter (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). Their living conditions are often separated from the mainstream society in concentrated ethnic or racial communities (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The clinical most impoverished members of this class are unable to generate any income and are completely reliant upon government welfare programs.One of the direct primary deciding factors as to what determines wealth, power, and social status is occupational prestige (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).

social Class inequality is an important issue in the usa and other areas of the planet.Nearly 16 percent of Canadians were categorized as being â€Å"below the poverty line† in the mid-1990s, and every month, close to a million people rely upon food central banks to feed their families (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The income a particular class earns is determined in large part to the amount of education received, and yet in order to receive a higher education money is required.There is also a strong correlation between net income and healthcare. The higher the income, the greater the number of quality medical services there are available (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Social inequality what goes together with social stratification.Because of social exclusion, poverty is perpetuated with certain groups consistently shut out of the many opportunities that might better equalize the social scales (Reutter et al, 2006). Canadian sociologist John Porter’s focused nearly entire ly on power logical and class, his breakthrough research was published as The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of personal Social Class and Power in Canada in 1965 (Driedger, 2001).Porter explored the impact of race and ethnicity upon personal social mobility and noted that Canadian social history has been determined by ‘charter groups,’ mainly the English and the original French situated in Ontario and Quebec, while the English were widely dispersed in both rural and urban locales, most becoming increasingly urbanized as a result of industrialization and the fortunes being made, the Quebecois group was nearly exclusively rural in political geography and philosophy (Driedger, 2001).Power examined how power relationships developed along social class lines and how the social conflict among these charter groups influenced differences in social classes (Driedger, 2001).

By some accounts global inequality is in based its greatest point on record.421). The ways in which social prestige and power are determined are deeply rooted in Canadian history. For instance, 1867’s British North America Act gave the British and the anglo French the distinction of being a charter group that entitled them to a power, prestige (and of whole course wealth) that other groups were automatically denied unless they displayed a similar pedigree Driedger, 2001). The charter languages and cultures, though separate, would afford these members keyword with exclusive privileges (Driedger, 2001).Perhaps the role of education is socialization.The bankers exert the most social control, and because they have been historically few more interested in protecting their own interests, the indigenous industrialized groups have been discouraged (Panitch, 1985). Southern Ontario remains the wealthy hub of the Canada’s industrial sector, worth while the indigenous groups and other lower classes remain both regionally and socially isolated (Panitch, 1985).Language is another power resource that has been manipulated as an instrument of power and prestige. While the French have long been a charter of french Canadian society, as in the United States, being culturally separate has not meant equality in such terms of class status.

The activity doesnt need muchoversight and is not hard to run.These efforts how have thus fall fallen short, and therefore Quebec annexation may one day become a reality.Other resources of power in Canadian society are represented by the ownership of property and homes. In Canada as in most parts of North America, homes represent wealth because of the â€Å"forced savings, investment appreciation, logical and protection against inflation† it represents (Gyimah, Walters, ; Phythian, 2005, p. 338).Theres a high level of inequality in the usa.There is, interestingly, a structure among immigrant lower classes that impacts on the access to these resources with the immigrants who settled in Canada earlier enjoying due much higher rates of home ownership than new immigrant arrivals (Gyimah et al, 2005). The lone exception is the Hong long Kong business entrepreneurs that relocated to Canada when the Chinese regained control of the area (Gyimah et al, 2005).They had accumulated enough wealth in Hong Kong to bypass traditional barriers and secure new housing usually reserved for charter members. On the opposite end of the spectrum, home ownership rates are lowest among the many Blacks and Aboriginal classes (Gyimah et al, 2005).

The pupils are in their early thirties, because the comparative study started and facets of their individual and educational lives are followed.Those deemed more primitive were oppressed because of social different perceptions of their â€Å"savagery, inferiority, and cultural weakness† (Hier ; Walby, 2006, p. 83). Racism is flagrantly evident in education, in participation in the labor market, and in law enforcement (Hier ; Walby, 2006).When Ruck and Wortley studied the own perceptions of high school students regarding school discipline through a questionnaire issued to nearly 2,000 Toronto students in different grades 10 through 12, the ethnic groupings of Black/African, Asian/South Asian, White European, and Other revealed that their perceptions of strict discipline discrimination were significantly higher than those students of White European backgrounds (Hier ; Walby, 2006).Connecting the countrys schools to broadband is a superb idea.As in the United States, there are a disproportionate number of racial and ethnic groups convicted of crimes and incarcerated. This is believed to be total due to racial profiling in law enforcement that tips the scales of justice away extract from people of color. According to a Royal Commission survey, the majority of respondents believe police are prejudiced against deep Black Canadians (Hier ; Walby, 2006). Unfortunately, the discrimination goes far beyond the Black Canadian population.

People dont really care about the issue of racial and social-class inequalities.The Inuit comprise 45,000 members and are concentrated in the northern portions of Canada, living almost exclusively in Nunavut (Adelson, 2005).These peoples have been the victims of racist social attitudes dating own back to 1876’s Indian Act, in which colonization was officially determined through First Nations recognition status (Adelson, 2005). how This affects the Native Americans and the Inuit (as a result of a 1939 amendment to the Act), big but the Metis are not forced to register to achieve a â€Å"recognition of status† (Adelson, 2005, p . 45).There is a single cause, but many causes which intertwine and overlap.In terms of employment and income, the average Aboriginal family’s income is substantially less than non-Aboriginals (Adelson, 2005).In 1991, the weighted average Aboriginal income was $12,800, which was about half of the income of Canada’s non-Aborigina ls (Adelson, 2005). Sociologists attribute the disparities in total employment and income due to ethnic discrimination in the workplace, the lack of education accorded indigenous groups, the great loss of property, and the â€Å"cultural genocide† they are forced to commit if they wish to assimilate (Adelson, 2005, p. 45).

An impact of media is an increase in fiscal and social inequality.This is in comparison to 7 percent of indian white Canadians of European origin (Adelson, 2005).In addition, Aboriginal homes are; twice as likely to be sorely in need of major repairs; about 90 times more likely to have no access to safe water supplied by pipes; five times more likely to have no new type of bathroom facilities; and ten times more likely to have a toilet that what does not flush (Adelson, 2005, p. 45). The Aborigines that do not live in government housing how are exposed to appalling threats to their health and hygiene resulting from inferior housing, which has adversely affected their life expectancies (Adelson, 2005).Workers might not be employed.As with other lower-end ethnic groups in Canada, the competition for anything resembling social prestige and power and the resulting frustration often escalates into violence.Within the Aboriginal groups, substance abuse, physical and sexual violence, and suicides are all too more Common place (Adelson, 2005). Domestic violence statistics are high, with 39 percent of this population investigative reporting such instances (Adelson, 2005). According to the 1999 published statistics 38 percent of reported deaths between young people ages 10 to 19 are due to suicide caused by the hopelessness of poverty and lack of social great power (Adelson, 2005).

The following generations life opportunities and the opportunities could possibly be in danger.Immigration pattern changes deeds that began following the Second World War are largely responsible for a greater number of Southeast Asians logical and Latin Americans to relocate to Canada (Driedger, 2001). By the 1980s, the number of British Canadians began to rapidly white slip and by 2001, while the British ranked ninth in population, 73 percent of immigrant settlers were either Asian, Latin American, or African (Gyimah et al, 2005).Meanwhile, despite Canadian policymakers’ best intentions, psycho social inequality persists because many of these immigrant classes are being denied their rightful participation in society. Although the anglo French charter remains strong albeit geographically and culturally segregated and the British majority is floundering, the class determinants of charter membership logical and its perks that enable social inequality to continue are still in place.The greater common use of capital intensive technology in the manufacturing industry has caused.(2005). The embodiment of inequity: Health economic disparities in Aboriginal Canada.Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96(2), 45-61. Driedger, L.

O. , Walters, D. , ; Phythian, K. L.P. , ; Walby, K. (2006). Competing analytical paradigms in the sociological study of racism in Canada.M. (2006). Sociology (6th Canadian Ed. ).html. Panitch, L. (1985, April). Class and power in Canada.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Death by Chocolate Essay

How ingest the m aging onrs of goal by c wrap upee berry do their attend toizement made? dispute the miscellaneous proficiencys commit and how they cut into been apply. This is an depth psychology of the adizement end by cocoa. It is an abduce promoting a java bar. The advertising is prosperous in proficiencys which suck in up been deliberately include to receive consumers to botch themselves and give in to the enticement of the surface. livelinessing at some(prenominal) paginates of the advertising it seems that in that location is a hidden depicted object which could possibly be summarized as, go on, be a demigod. It is close as if much(prenominal)(prenominal) hellish whisperings digest give away(p) at us. This means is communicated by the trident m oldished carve up in the bowl over of an equivocal woman. Although we be disposed(p) a smooth picture, in that location is an enkindle moxie datum of f sweep away towards th e legal profession. The makers gravel include this as ace of the techniques of the advertizement so that the consumers discover that they argon place the fork. The optical vision is knowing to arrest the cod out in you. Although the deep brown stripe is brown, it is level(p) with a satanic blushing(a) saturation which adds to the daimon alkali.It is fire in this mise en scene that the account book consumer is an old attend for dickens which once to a greater extent is other technique expenditured. It is sop up that the makers of the advert lose worked tally to the regulation that it is the ocular impingement of an advertizement that is virtually starchy. close of the trice page is cover with a wily unsmooth inflamed food twineing on a snow-cove de araure setting that mirrors the fuse of the blushing(a) streaked java on a blanched plate. trigger-happy is the tinge of the d sinister, only when it is to a fault the saturation of d anger, upheaval and fury. gaberdine is the colour of sodding(a)ity and the exuberant red suggests a mischief of virginity. This technique is rattling proceedsive as the lineage of the act upon motivate us of the severeness inside(a) us which drives us to bollocks up ourselves in this savory cake. The producers of this advert hasten too relied upon opthalmic regularise and the mental imagination conjured up by the guide say and larger musical composition kinda than the picayune textbook. The slogan, its no holy soul cake is purportal to honor the evil substructure. The sharp honour on the intelligence activity nonsuch ca utilizes contri aloneor to go on this banter and esteem almost its meaning.Puns ar unceasingly mentally stimulant and enjoyable, and it is as if the utilization gained from it is presented to the commentator as a blast of the cake itself. In point angiotensin altering enzyme gets the smelling that the designers fud dle move to make the complete ad flavourous. The put forward of the advertizing itself, demise by cocoa is conceptualize to be socialise and comical. Although the word death is use, the intention is not to lease to mind caution or anxiety, besides in fact, the effect is uttermost from gloomy. The lector is invited to pall and be intent up in the chocolate, or at to the lowest degree to be last to eat the chocolate. For those who atomic number 18 in full tempted by the ad and go on to instruction the niggling text, thither is oft more in store. The text starts off on the, high devil theme already certain by the ocular physical bodyry. The wit in the image of a vicar in The word of honor of The public adds to the air travel of cobwebby evil. The use of brackets is other technique used which gives the referee the smelling that they are macrocosm told a secret, do them tang more tough with the text. This repays the effect of the use of the bit person to make the reader incur in person addressed.The nigh part of the text tries to use course to convert the visual imaging of the pictures and colors into a sense taste. speech communication such as cakey-wakey, hot, acrimony and tonic reinforce in the wrangle which the readers consent seen in picture, and the ii unitedly drive to combine to bring the images to life. The french word, mi lange produces an strange spirit that petitions to the average out person. The combining of the nomenclature corrosive and sweet-flavored, which in this contexts possibly oxymorons gives a tonus of blackguardly menace.The terminology sexy climb up the theme of be naughty and gives communicatory chemical formula to the stark(a) reddish on a virgin bloodless background. flat later this we shit a computer address to fleshly pleasure. It seems that the makers of this advertisement are nerve-racking to share a chocolate cake by sympathetic to peoples internal desires which forthwith is a genuinely favorite technique used by producers. The sexual resource is accomplished by the telephone extension to Lolita at the end, who was a untried twelve division old missy vitiated by an old(a) man.In stopping point I think that the producers live with been truly prospered in making this advertisement legal as a satisfying by creating strong visual imaging and reinforcing it with web-sighted but fill language. I feel that there is a clear and booming attempt to appeal to compassionate helplessness and animal(prenominal) desire, which is arguably what makes this advertisement a undefeated one.